Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Competition: Photo of the Year!

Do you want to earn the rank of best YPA photographer and be the first recipient of the PYPA "Photo of the Year" Trophy?

Well here is how you can, simply submit your best photos from any PYPA (or joint) event to the committee either by Facebook, Twitter or Email between January 1st 2013 until 1st December 2013. The committee will pick the best five photo's of the year and give the PYPA the chance to pick their favorite. The winner will be presented with the trophy at 2013 AGM.

 The small print,

  • Photo entry's can only be accepted by PYPA members. For a photo to be considered the owner must still be a member of the association
  • Committee members are allowed to enter and vote.
  • In the event of a tie the committee will make the deciding vote. If this again is tied the president will make the final decision.
  • The committee's and president have the final word on any dealings with the competition.
  • The Trophy remains the property of the PYPA. The winner will hand over to the subsequent winner on the following AGM. If the winner leaves the association the trophy must be returned to a member of the committee.