Membership Information

If you are a permanent employee of EADS Astrium or Paradigm, then you are eligible to join the YPA subject to the membership terms in the Constitution.  If you do join, then subscriptions are deducted monthly from your payslip.  The subscription rate is £2 per month, and will appear on your payslip as "YPA Portsmouth".
If you not eligible to join, dont worry that doesn't mean you cant come on the events we run, all are welcome but you will need to pay full price for activities. Interested? Just email the PYPA and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Official Documents

  • Constitution  - The Constitution governs the Association, and all members must abide by it's rules.
  • Membership FormIf you wish to join the Association, please fill in a membership form, and send it to the PYPA or hand it in to a member of the committee.